Jannik is the head of our Game Unit. In 2020 he founded HighPassionStudios with Florentin and started to develop innovative digital games for different platforms. Within his company, Jannik works as a sound designer, game designer, composer, as well as a project manager. After successfully completing his bachelor’s degree in media science and applied computer science in 2021, he focused completely on his game studio, attending conferences, holding workshops at schools, expanding his network, and most importantly, continuing to develop games. With his optimistic and convincing manner and his promising game idea „Dwellink”, he managed to gather many professionals and experts around him during this time as well. When the team finally grew big enough to face the ambitious projects, the cooperation with FFT started. Jannik is also active as a musician outside of video games and regularly releases songs from various genres under the pseudonym „The Pulpy Principle”.
FTT Forensic Discovery GmbH
Dammwäldchen 3
95444 Bayreuth
Geschäftsführer: Christian Bubenheim
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Bayreuth
Handelsregister: HRB 6659
Telefon: +49 921 730 88 70
Telefax: +49 921 730 88 68
E‑Mail: info@forensic-discovery.de
Website: www.forensic-discovery.de
Steuer-Nr.: 208÷126÷80847
USt-IdNr.: DE316922947
HypoVereinbank Bayreuth
IBAN DE95773200720027470980
Penta (solarisBank AG)
IBAN DE49 1101 0100 2357 4581 72