
IT forensics and EDP
Estimated Reading Time: 2 Minutes

FTT Foren­sic Dis­co­very has the Foren­sic Think Tank (FTT) net­work of experts. Our reports inclu­de IT foren­sic reports, IT reports and app­raisals or appraisals.

What are expert opi­ni­ons in IT and how use­ful are they?

IT reports are used to ana­ly­ze and eva­lua­te exis­ting or alle­ged defects and dama­ge to IT sys­tems. The pro­fi­ta­bi­li­ty of offers, orders and deli­ve­ries of IT sys­tems can be che­cked using valua­ti­on reports. An appro­pria­te value is deter­mi­ned depen­ding on the sce­n­a­rio: the cur­rent value on the repor­ting date of hard­ware or spe­cial­ly deve­lo­ped indi­vi­du­al software.

IT foren­sic reports con­tain an eva­lua­ti­on of digi­tal traces that can be found on nume­rous devices equip­ped with chips and sto­rage media. The FTT reports show the logi­cal con­nec­tion bet­ween the traces and thus do part of the cri­mi­na­listic work.

Who do we sup­port with our reports?

As an asso­cia­ti­on of experts for sys­tems and app­li­ca­ti­ons in infor­ma­ti­on pro­ces­sing, we pro­vi­de advice and cla­ri­fi­ca­ti­on to com­pa­nies and IT spe­cia­lists with ques­ti­ons, pro­blems and legal dis­pu­tes in the field of IT. 

Courts are incre­a­singly preoc­cu­p­ied with a pletho­ra of dis­pu­tes on com­plex issu­es that go well bey­ond the field of jurisprudence.

We sup­port you with our experts to cla­ri­fy all facts that are rela­ted to the use of com­pu­ter technology.

Qua­li­ty assuran­ce through the four-eyes principle

Each of our experts works impar­ti­al­ly, inde­pendent­ly, objec­tively and without instructions.

Our reports can be used in court and are sub­ject to high qua­li­ty stan­dards. In order to gua­ran­tee this qua­li­ty, every report pre­pa­red by an expert is che­cked intern­al­ly by at least one other body for tracea­bi­li­ty, rele­van­ce and the asso­cia­ted scope („as long as necessa­ry, as short as pos­si­ble”) as well as com­pli­an­ce with aca­de­mic standards.

5 steps to success

Initial assessment

We clarify the matter and make an immediate cost-benefit assessment over the phone.

Material inspection

If an investigation is indicated, we will sift through the material according to the effort involved.


We will clarify the estimated processing time. All correspondence is of course completely confidential.


For the production of an expert opinion, we create a work contract with a precisely defined scope.


You will receive the finished report to check whether it corresponds to the desired scope or whether further questions should be answered. You will then receive it signed and stamped in triplicate.

5 steps to success

Initial assessment

We clarify the matter and make an immediate cost-benefit assessment over the phone.

Material inspection

If an investigation is indicated, we will sift through the material according to the effort involved.


We will clarify the estimated processing time. All correspondence is of course completely confidential.


For the production of an expert opinion, we create a work contract with a precisely defined scope.


You will receive the finished report to check whether it corresponds to the desired scope or whether further questions should be answered. You will then receive it signed and stamped in triplicate.
Benefit from our IT know-how and create a better world with us.
FTT Forensic Discovery GmbH
Dammwäldchen 3, 95444 Bayreuth, Germany

Phone: +49 921 730 88 70
Fax: +49 921 730 88 68

Local Court Bayreuth, HRB 6659
FTT Forensic Discovery GmbH
Dammwäldchen 3, 95444 Bayreuth, Germany

Phone: +49 921 730 88 70
Fax: +49 921 730 88 68

Local Court Bayreuth, HRB 6659
© 2022 Forensic Discovery GmbH