The IT spe­cia­list for app­li­ca­ti­on deve­lo­p­ment, Phil star­ted expe­ri­men­ting with an i386DX at the age of 6. At the age of 10 Phil wro­te his first DOS scripts, at the age of 13 he has his first small pro­gram under Win­dows 95 in BASIC. After excur­si­ons into the phy­sics and eth­no­lo­gy cour­ses and a time in the secu­ri­ty ser­vice, who­se night shifts were ide­al for pro­gramming, he joi­ned the just one and a half year old start­up in 2019. As head of IT at FTT Foren­sic Dis­co­very GmbH, he is also respon­si­ble for the admi­nis­tra­ti­on of the DE-CIX ser­ver in Frankfurt/Main and the pro­gramming of soft­ware pro­jects. He sup­ports the trai­nees in tech­ni­cal ques­ti­ons about the backend. A healt­hy mind resi­des in a healt­hy body. Phil is a trai­ned Krav Maga trai­ner and is pas­sio­na­te about device trai­ning. He also deals inten­si­ve­ly with all fiel­ds of natu­ral sci­ence, the histo­ry of the Midd­le Ages and its figh­t­ing tech­ni­ques as well as table role­play­ing. He sings as a bass in his bro­ther Alex’s choir.

Adam is an expe­ri­en­ced exe­cu­ti­ve and cer­ti­fied Scrum Mas­ter with exper­ti­se in over­see­ing Scrum teams and digi­tal solu­ti­ons. He cap­tures requi­re­ments for com­plex enter­pri­se pro­jects and can immedia­te­ly pre­sent a pro­fes­sio­nal IT solu­ti­on, deli­vering bre­akthrough tech­no­lo­gies and ensu­ring opti­mal per­for­mance on chal­len­ging pro­jects and tech­ni­cal initia­ti­ves. Adam’s excel­lence in mee­ting stan­dards, qua­li­ty objec­ti­ves and time­li­nes has dri­ven orga­ni­sa­ti­ons, teams and digi­tal solu­ti­ons time and time again. He prio­ri­ti­zes con­flic­ting requi­re­ments as user sto­ries and in adap­ting the solu­ti­on deve­lo­p­ment pro­cess. His track record of suc­cess on various lar­ge pro­jects reflects lea­ding teams, designing methods to over­see ope­ra­ti­ons and ensu­ring regu­la­to­ry com­pli­an­ce. His ana­ly­ti­cal mind and orga­niz­a­tio­nal focus make him a cor­po­ra­te stra­te­gist par excellence.

Roy is a soft­ware engi­neer and has been part of the tech indus­try sin­ce 2007 and has been doing front­end way befo­re it was cool. He is a UI enthu­si­ast focu­sed on imple­men­ting the smoot­hest designs for web app­li­ca­ti­on libra­ries, ani­ma­ti­ons, and UI frame­works. In his spa­re time, he prac­ti­ces yoga, collects records, and has a collec­tion of rare vin­ta­ge audio artifacts.

As a front­end and backend Java­Script deve­lo­per, Kel­vin began his deve­lo­p­ment jour­ney in 2015 when he and his two friends deci­ded they could deve­lop rea­listic solu­ti­ons for the Afri­can con­ti­nent. The app­li­ca­ti­ons were, and still are, desi­gned to crea­te social impact and chan­ge the who­le per­spec­ti­ve of how peop­le inter­act and rela­te to each other. His UX/UI jour­ney began much ear­lier, when he was an under­gra­dua­te on cam­pus, ear­ning a few bucks doing gra­phic design for aspi­ring poli­ti­ci­ans and mid-sized com­pa­nies. He later moved away from the­re and was able to get a TV sta­ti­on in order, set up the local ser­vers for a bet­ting com­pa­ny, and get invol­ved in several pro­jects. He lear­ned about Mench­Link and was exci­ted by the idea, as it ali­gned with his life goal and was a rewar­ding chal­len­ge for a developer.

Com­pu­ters have always fasci­na­ted Janek. Alrea­dy at age 10 Janek made his first pro­gramming expe­ri­en­ces with Scratch, sin­ce then he has mas­te­red many pro­gramming lan­guages, but ulti­mate­ly got hoo­ked with Has­kell and Kot­lin under Linux, in which he is the admi­nis­tra­tor of a cou­p­le of systems.

He works to ensu­re that tech­no­lo­gy ser­ves peop­le: the focus is on the indi­vi­du­al and their needs, embed­ded in a socie­ty of mutu­al trust and respect.

He is cur­r­ent­ly stu­dy­ing soft­ware deve­lo­p­ment at CODE Uni­ver­si­ty, enjoys play­ing the pia­no, and goes jog­ging and biking to com­pen­sa­te for the long com­pu­ter time.

Jack is a trai­ned food sci­en­tist with know­ledge in nut­ri­tio­nal sci­en­ces. His love of rea­ding was the rea­son he dis­co­ve­r­ed the field of data sci­ence. It quick­ly beca­me appa­rent that he has a knack for rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment, par­ti­cu­lar­ly the use of data sci­ence to deve­lop models that can help impro­ve food secu­ri­ty in Kenya by maxi­mi­zing agri­cul­tu­ral pro­duc­tion and resour­ce allo­ca­ti­on in general.

Ian is cur­r­ent­ly a stu­dent at Zetech Uni­ver­si­ty in Kenya pur­suing a Bache­lor of Sci­ence degree. He has alrea­dy com­ple­ted a few pro­jects the­re, such as pro­gramming a libra­ry manage­ment sys­tem with some of his fel­low stu­dents. Ian is par­ti­cu­lar­ly exci­ted about the con­nec­tion bet­ween cloud com­pu­ting, Big Data and arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence that is hap­pe­ning at FTT GmbH, but he caught fire becau­se of our plat­form MenschLink.

FTT Forensic Discovery GmbH
Dammwäldchen 3, 95444 Bayreuth, Germany

Phone: +49 921 730 88 70
Fax: +49 921 730 88 68

Local Court Bayreuth, HRB 6659
FTT Forensic Discovery GmbH
Dammwäldchen 3, 95444 Bayreuth, Germany

Phone: +49 921 730 88 70
Fax: +49 921 730 88 68

Local Court Bayreuth, HRB 6659
© 2022 Forensic Discovery GmbH