Ian is cur­r­ent­ly a stu­dent at Zetech Uni­ver­si­ty in Kenya pur­suing a Bache­lor of Sci­ence degree. He has alrea­dy com­ple­ted a few pro­jects the­re, such as pro­gramming a libra­ry manage­ment sys­tem with some of his fel­low stu­dents. Ian is par­ti­cu­lar­ly exci­ted about the con­nec­tion bet­ween cloud com­pu­ting, Big Data and arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence that is hap­pe­ning at FTT GmbH, but he caught fire becau­se of our plat­form MenschLink.

FTT Forensic Discovery GmbH
Dammwäldchen 3, 95444 Bayreuth, Germany

Phone: +49 921 730 88 70
Fax: +49 921 730 88 68

Local Court Bayreuth, HRB 6659
FTT Forensic Discovery GmbH
Dammwäldchen 3, 95444 Bayreuth, Germany

Phone: +49 921 730 88 70
Fax: +49 921 730 88 68

Local Court Bayreuth, HRB 6659
© 2022 Forensic Discovery GmbH