Work with cus­to­mi­zed hardware!

Whe­ther you need a fast mobi­le com­pa­n­ion or a power­ful work­sta­tion for your tasks: You will recei­ve opti­mal advice and your per­so­nal cus­to­mi­zed solution.

We are aimed at pro­fes­sio­nal users who want to get more out of their ever­y­day life with well-equip­ped hardware.

Our cli­ents include:

Aca­de­mics who want ide­al know­ledge manage­ment or a clear rese­arch environment,

Craft busi­nes­ses with a need for robust devices for ongo­ing pro­duc­tion and

Crea­ti­ves from gra­phics, video and music pro­duc­tion who right­ly refu­se to accept the limits of con­ven­tio­nal systems.

We put your visi­ons into practice!

You say what you would like to do and immedia­te­ly recei­ve sug­ges­ti­ons on how your wis­hes and visi­ons can be tur­ned into rea­li­ty. This ran­ges from spe­cial­ly con­fi­gu­red high-end mobi­le pho­nes to ele­gant lap­tops and fast workstations.

Not enough?
Let us con­fi­gu­re your own high-avai­la­bi­li­ty ser­ver for you.

Image films – mes­sa­ge via video

Nowa­days ever­ything is trans­por­ted by video, becau­se: What is more mea­ning­ful than a film? Whe­ther on You­tube or other strea­ming plat­forms, emo­ti­ons want to be con­vey­ed, con­tro­ver­sies crea­ted or even spar­ked, and of cour­se: ever­yo­ne wants to pre­sent them­sel­ves (or their pro­duct) in the best pos­si­ble light.

Why do we make image films?

During our visits to com­pa­nies that are actual­ly con­cer­ned with opti­mi­zing the IT infra­st­ruc­tu­re, we are often asked: „Do you also crea­te websites?”

The order for a web­site often leads to the ques­ti­on: „Do you also wri­te the texts for it?”

Until the cru­cial ques­ti­on final­ly arises:

„Do you also make pro­mo­tio­nal videos?”


As a hos­ting pro­vi­der for web­sites that takes care of ever­ything from e‑mail to web ser­vers and PHP sup­port, and as a team that takes care of simp­le game deve­lo­p­ment in the media, we have a net­work of com­pe­tent coope­ra­ti­on part­ners. Thea­ter and media scho­l­ars, pho­to­graph­ers and filmma­kers are also at home in this FTT Foren­sic Dis­co­very net­work. Ever­ything is pos­si­ble, from pro­duct vide­os and com­mer­cials to edi­to­ri­al con­tri­bu­ti­ons. We work clo­se­ly with part­ners from the adver­ti­sing indus­try, such as:

Whe­ther con­fe­rence or con­gress: Key­note spea­kers give important clues and make the audi­ence think. The FTT Foren­sic Dis­co­very net­work has experts not only from IT and foren­sics, but also from rhe­to­ric and dra­ma­tur­gy, who­se lec­tures and work­shops are in gre­at demand at con­gres­ses such as the Mol­d­o­va Deve­lo­per Con­fe­rence 2019 .

The crux of the lec­tures – would you rather lis­ten than speak?

Lec­tures ser­ve to pro­vi­de inspi­ra­ti­on and impe­tus, but should be infor­ma­ti­ve and, abo­ve all, not make the audi­ence fall asleep. 

Some of us hate the idea of spea­king in front of a crowd. 

Can’t someo­ne else do that?

Or at least give a few tips on how to deal with such a situa­ti­on so that this shark tank does not cau­se any con­se­quen­ti­al damage?

The short and reli­e­ving ans­wer: yes and yes again!

Our spea­kers are pas­sio­na­te about per­forming in front of lar­ge crowds in order to inspi­re their audi­ence with inno­va­ti­ve and enter­tai­ning per­for­man­ces. We look for­ward to dis­cus­sion groups tailo­red to the tar­get group after­wards, both among lay­peop­le and inte­res­ted spe­cia­list audi­en­ces. In this com­bi­na­ti­on, we offer a las­ting memo­ry that remains posi­tively ancho­red in the memo­ry of the lis­tener for years.

We’ll help you prepare!

Our spea­kers deal in detail with the mat­ter and / or give an intro­duc­to­ry or moti­va­tio­nal speech on cur­rent topics. Whe­ther it is about his­to­ri­cal, inter­na­tio­nal law or inter­na­tio­nal finan­ces in Eng­lish or Ger­man, about IT or about making the world a bet­ter place – our spea­kers suc­ceed in cap­ti­vat­ing the audi­ence with well-foun­ded and enter­tai­ning lectures.

Train your lec­tures in workshops!

We also pass on this abi­li­ty in work­shops that make even more expe­ri­en­ced spea­kers sweat: voice trai­ning and acting trai­ning, set­ting up a lec­tu­re through cor­rect dra­ma­tur­gy or the ques­ti­on of the tar­get audi­ence are part of ever­y­day life for our speakers.

The employ­er is obli­ged to take the necessa­ry occup­a­tio­nal health and safe­ty mea­su­res, taking into account the cir­cum­s­tan­ces that affect the health and safe­ty of employees at work.
Sec­tion 3 of the Occup­a­tio­nal Safe­ty and Health Act

The­re are many work­pla­ces, but not all of them are per­cei­ved as plea­sant by employees. It has been pro­ven that an ergo­no­mi­c­al­ly desi­gned work­place incre­a­ses pro­duc­ti­vi­ty, impro­ves the working atmo­s­phe­re and pro­mo­tes per­so­nal well-being. 

The com­pu­ter factor

Com­pu­ters in par­ti­cu­lar are key to a healt­hy work­place in the infor­ma­ti­on age.

You will recei­ve help with the crea­ti­on of an over­all con­cept for your office, which will give you short distan­ces and ple­nty of room to breathe.

The con­se­quen­ces of a lack of ergonomics

Pro­lon­ged desk work puts a per­ma­nent strain on many of our mus­cles, while other important mus­cle groups are per­ma­nent­ly neglected.

Chro­nic ten­si­on, neck and back pain, sleep dis­or­ders, but also psy­cho­lo­gi­cal com­p­laints can make us ill in the long term.

Near­ly a quar­ter of all work absen­ces are now due to mus­cu­los­keletal dis­or­ders, clo­se­ly fol­lo­wed by respi­ra­to­ry and men­tal illnesses.

In 2019, the news­pa­per Die Zeit expres­sed this pro­blem under the fol­lowing working title:

Tho­se who sit lon­ger are dead sooner.

Zeit-Online from March 26, 2019

Ergo­no­mics in the office incre­a­ses productivity!

In con­trast, an ergo­no­mic work envi­ron­ment not only sup­ports the phy­si­cal and men­tal health of employees, it demons­tra­b­ly and signi­fi­cant­ly incre­a­ses productivity. 

Sim­ply by main­tai­ning a healt­hy sit­ting pos­tu­re, working regu­lar­ly while stan­ding, and moving from one posi­ti­on to the next, employees’ well-being and per­for­mance can be signi­fi­cant­ly enhanced.

A healt­hy and pro­duc­ti­ve working atmo­s­phe­re is inextri­ca­b­ly lin­ked to our holistic orientation.

We are hap­py to help you align your work­place with your per­so­nal needs and design fle­xi­ble working envi­ron­ments for you and your employees.

Our coope­ra­ti­on partners

We work clo­se­ly with the Data­flex com­pa­ny, which we belie­ve has the ide­al solu­ti­on for every area.

The black line focu­ses on data-inten­si­ve work and ergo­no­mic mul­ti-moni­tor environments.

The white line is desi­gned with hin­ged joints for moni­tors with touch­screens and is par­ti­cu­lar­ly sui­ted for the medi­cal sector.

The Sil­ver Line offers fle­xi­ble arran­ge­ments for sin­gle and mul­ti-office environments.

The­re should be no limits to your crea­ti­vi­ty, much less your health. The dif­fe­rence has an immedia­te impact on your pro­duc­ti­vi­ty and well-being. Your body and soul will thank you for the cou­ra­ge­ous decisi­on in this direction.

An appe­aling and simp­le web­site is often enough to put yourself in the lime­light. With the right links in social net­works, on Goog­le Maps and pro­per search engi­ne opti­miz­a­ti­on (SEO for short) you will also be found.

The most com­mon pro­blems and desi­res are:

  1. The pre­vious web­site is out of date and no lon­ger runs smoothly,
  2. Cus­to­mers want to main­tain their con­tent them­sel­ves and not be dependent,
  3. The page should be dis­play­ed nice­ly on all your devices – i.e. moni­tor, tablet and mobi­le phone.
  4. The ser­vers for the web­site should be acces­si­ble quick­ly and easily,
  5. The web­site should be easi­ly expan­da­ble at any time.

All of this is ent­i­re­ly pos­si­ble with and with us.

From a sin­gle text to a mar­ke­ting campaign

If requi­red, you will recei­ve a page that is opti­mi­zed for search engi­nes and tailo­red to your needs.

If you wish, we can design your web­site up to and inclu­ding a mar­ke­ting campaign.

If you don’t have time to wri­te, we will for­mu­la­te your texts in the style you want. Our texts should make rea­ding enjoya­ble and arou­se curio­si­ty. They are neat­ly edi­ted, writ­ten by Ger­man scho­l­ars and spe­cia­list con­tent is pro­per­ly researched.

Our refe­ren­ces

Here you can see how com­ple­te­ly pages crea­ted and writ­ten by us – from zero to hero – can look and be formulated:


Many entre­pre­neurs unde­re­sti­ma­te the impor­t­ance of pro­cess design on the suc­cess and work­flow of their com­pa­ny. In the illus­tra­ti­on of work pro­ces­ses, they see abo­ve all a cost fac­tor without direct mone­ta­ry suc­cess, but over­look the advan­ta­ges that gua­ran­tee them more time, money, more rela­xed work and good employees in the medi­um to long term.

We don’t need a pro­cess design!

Entre­pre­neurs often argue:

  • Work­flows are clear anyway!
  • It is enough for other employees to train new employees.
  • Without fixed pro­ces­ses we are more flexible!
  • Pro­ces­ses are igno­red anyway.

Howe­ver, work pro­ces­ses are often not as clear­ly regu­la­ted as mana­ging direc­tors and depart­ment heads would like.

Unclear and ambi­guous pro­ces­ses crea­te problems

How often are important peop­le over­loo­ked in your com­pa­ny and infor­ma­ti­on arri­ving too late or not at all?

Con­stant­ly asking ques­ti­ons or having to exp­lain things several times is exhausting.

Fami­lia­riz­a­ti­on takes time, ver­bal and per­so­na­li­zed agree­ments lead to red­un­dant inqui­ries with a “silent post” effect.

What begins as a small wave in pro­duc­tion then often arri­ves as a tsu­na­mi on the exe­cu­ti­ve floor.

Can you still count on your hand how many inqui­ries, delays, unfi­nis­hed tasks or decisi­ons that have not been made have kept you from your work in the last week?

Ensu­re a smooth workflow!

Relie­ve yourself and your employees by visua­li­zing ope­ra­tio­nal pro­ces­ses, pre­pa­ring them digi­tal­ly and con­ti­nuous­ly opti­mi­zing them.

This not only redu­ces 90% of all sources of error, but also enab­les a working atmo­s­phe­re in which you and your employees can look ahead in a con­cen­tra­ted, focu­sed and moti­va­ted manner.

Lean Busi­ness Opti­miz­a­ti­on accord­ing to Busi­ness Pro­cess Model and Nota­ti­on (BPMN) 2.0 brings you:

  • Mas­si­ve reli­ef for exe­cu­ti­ves by trans­fer­ring con­tex­tu­al know­ledge from head to paper;
  • Iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of time-con­suming, dupli­ca­te and con­tra­dic­ting occurrences;
  • lean pro­duc­tion and rapid decisi­on-making processes;
  • very high time savings through tar­ge­ted struc­tu­re and over­view in pro­ject management;
  • a few weeks ins­tead of mon­ths when onboar­ding employees;
  • clean docu­men­ta­ti­on of exis­ting in-house soft­ware developments
  • Room for fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment of exis­ting instal­la­ti­ons and projects;
  • Trans­pa­ren­cy of your com­pa­ny structures
  • Your employees act responsibly.

We know that most capa­ble exe­cu­ti­ves can easi­ly learn and app­ly BPMN 2.0 themselves.

But would you take the time?

Ever­y­day challenges

For most peop­le, fin­ding a job is an excru­cia­ting chal­len­ge. Often times, workers have unful­fil­led jobs and fami­lies to look after. Many have quit intern­al­ly, are com­ple­te­ly bored or alrea­dy bur­ned out.

For employ­ers, on the other hand, the shor­ta­ge of skil­led workers is an over­whel­ming issue. In addi­ti­on, the exis­ting job plat­forms hard­ly reflect the com­ple­xi­ty of the acti­vi­ties requi­red. Rural hid­den cham­pions are struggling with incre­a­sing urbanization.

Inves­tors, start-ups and com­pa­ny foun­ders in gene­ral face all kinds of pro­blems. How do you find the right part­ners to turn your ide­as into rea­li­ty? Should inves­tors look at pitch decks fore­ver? Should employ­ers con­duct one inter­view after ano­t­her? Should job see­kers still search?

Would­n’t it be bet­ter if we found a machi­ne for every human being that has a high pro­ba­bi­li­ty of brin­ging the ide­al situa­ti­on tog­e­ther, without stress, exces­si­ve deman­ds and decisi­on-making fatigue?

The human being at the cen­ter of a net­wor­king algorithm

Arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence, matching algo­rith­ms and big data offer tech­ni­cal solu­ti­ons to the­se pro­blems. But the decisi­ve fac­tor is peop­le. Our start­up team wants to repre­sent the who­le per­son. The who­le per­son should be seen with their needs, desi­res and – often unre­co­gni­zed – poten­ti­als. Only in this respect, resour­ce-ori­en­ted and on a human level, can a respect­ful social net­work deve­lop. The con­nec­ting ele­ment is the algo­rithm, becau­se the user rooms remain pri­va­te, con­fi­den­ti­al and encryp­ted. In their room, users can let off steam in a play­ful way to dis­co­ver their area of expertise.

Inter­na­tio­nal network

We have access to over 1200+ pro­gramm­ers and experts. And with every con­gress we win more of it.

Becau­se the pro­gramm­ers love our glo­bal approach, which brings ever­ything into har­mo­ny – eco­no­my, eco­lo­gy and social issues.

A pro­ject for EVERYONE!

In this respect, our start­up with Mensch­Link is not aimed at the top ten thousand or crea­tes ano­t­her first-world niche pro­duct for an over­sa­tu­ra­ted wes­tern socie­ty, but also makes a con­tri­bu­ti­on to the so-cal­led com­mon peop­le, espe­cial­ly to all tho­se for whom qua­li­ty of life is still a for­eign word .

Mensch­Link ser­ves the wealt­hy by hel­ping the poor – for the bene­fit of both worlds. 800 mil­li­on peop­le suf­fer from seve­re hun­ger. 3.5 bil­li­on peop­le live on less than $ 5.50 a day. What would a world look like in which we grow tog­e­ther with our poten­ti­al and no lon­ger have to lea­ve anyo­ne behind?

We espe­cial­ly invi­te inves­tors who are not inte­res­ted in luxu­ry star­tups, but want to crea­te sus­tainab­le bene­fits in the world – without losing sight of profitability.

FTT Foren­sic Dis­co­very has the Foren­sic Think Tank (FTT) net­work of experts. Our reports inclu­de IT foren­sic reports, IT reports and app­raisals or appraisals.

What are expert opi­ni­ons in IT and how use­ful are they?

IT reports are used to ana­ly­ze and eva­lua­te exis­ting or alle­ged defects and dama­ge to IT sys­tems. The pro­fi­ta­bi­li­ty of offers, orders and deli­ve­ries of IT sys­tems can be che­cked using valua­ti­on reports. An appro­pria­te value is deter­mi­ned depen­ding on the sce­n­a­rio: the cur­rent value on the repor­ting date of hard­ware or spe­cial­ly deve­lo­ped indi­vi­du­al software.

IT foren­sic reports con­tain an eva­lua­ti­on of digi­tal traces that can be found on nume­rous devices equip­ped with chips and sto­rage media. The FTT reports show the logi­cal con­nec­tion bet­ween the traces and thus do part of the cri­mi­na­listic work.

Who do we sup­port with our reports?

As an asso­cia­ti­on of experts for sys­tems and app­li­ca­ti­ons in infor­ma­ti­on pro­ces­sing, we pro­vi­de advice and cla­ri­fi­ca­ti­on to com­pa­nies and IT spe­cia­lists with ques­ti­ons, pro­blems and legal dis­pu­tes in the field of IT. 

Courts are incre­a­singly preoc­cu­p­ied with a pletho­ra of dis­pu­tes on com­plex issu­es that go well bey­ond the field of jurisprudence.

We sup­port you with our experts to cla­ri­fy all facts that are rela­ted to the use of com­pu­ter technology.

Qua­li­ty assuran­ce through the four-eyes principle

Each of our experts works impar­ti­al­ly, inde­pendent­ly, objec­tively and without instructions.

Our reports can be used in court and are sub­ject to high qua­li­ty stan­dards. In order to gua­ran­tee this qua­li­ty, every report pre­pa­red by an expert is che­cked intern­al­ly by at least one other body for tracea­bi­li­ty, rele­van­ce and the asso­cia­ted scope („as long as necessa­ry, as short as pos­si­ble”) as well as com­pli­an­ce with aca­de­mic standards.

Exter­nal access – a ques­ti­on of security

In the age of Indus­try 4.0 and the Inter­net of Things (IoT), secu­re VPN gate­ways in con­nec­tion with VPN access points are the pre­re­qui­si­te for pro­tec­ting machi­nes from unaut­ho­ri­zed access.

The con­trol and main­ten­an­ce of any machi­ne is incre­a­singly being car­ri­ed out remo­te­ly, which saves com­pa­nies con­si­derable tra­vel cos­ts. For some of our cus­to­mers it was com­mon for spe­cia­lists to be flown in from Ger­ma­ny to the USA, which is not only an expen­si­ve under­ta­king, but in times of Covid has also beco­me more and more of a logisti­cal problem.

But can com­pa­nies rely on the machi­ne manu­fac­turer’s remo­te access modu­les actual­ly com­ply­ing with cur­rent safe­ty standards?

Which com­pa­ny wants or is allo­wed – whe­ther its data pro­tec­tion regu­la­ti­ons – to tole­ra­te third par­ties in its network?

Hard­ly any con­trac­tu­al regu­la­ti­ons for IT security

When manu­fac­tu­ring sys­tems are main­tai­ned by exter­nal third par­ties and the­re is no secu­re and up-to-date solu­ti­on, hacker attacks can easi­ly cau­se mil­li­ons in dama­ge. Unfor­tu­n­a­te­ly, alar­ming secu­ri­ty vul­nera­bi­li­ties appe­ar every day.

The simp­le rea­son: IT secu­ri­ty is eit­her not part of the core busi­ness of machi­ne manu­fac­tu­rers or – the more com­mon case – the machi­nes are con­trac­tual­ly expli­ci­tly not per­mit­ted for direct access from outside.

Best pro­tec­tion against hackers

Our rou­ters are manu­fac­tu­rer-inde­pen­dent and can be con­fi­gu­red indi­vi­du­al­ly. We rely on trans­pa­rent open source code, hard encryp­ti­on, secu­re pass­words, uni­que authen­ti­ca­ti­on up to mul­ti-fac­tor and hard­ware authen­ti­ca­ti­on as well as clear access control.

In order to addi­tio­nal­ly pro­tect your data behind the VPN rou­ter, we can also cas­ca­de the access sys­tem so that attemp­ted attacks are no lon­ger worthwhile.

If data, data records, elec­tro­nic docu­ments and elec­tro­nic records that are requi­red to be recor­ded and retai­ned were crea­ted or recei­ved in the com­pa­ny, they must also be retai­ned in this form and may not be dele­ted befo­re the reten­ti­on peri­od has expired.

Excerpt from the GoBD of the Federal Minis­try of Finan­ce, Federal Tax Gazet­te Part I, p. 29

Reten­ti­on obli­ga­ti­on also for e‑mail traffic!

Do you com­ply with the princi­ples for the pro­per manage­ment and sto­rage of books, records and docu­ments in elec­tro­nic form and for data access (GoBD) in e‑mail traffic?

The clear and short ans­wer: No.

As far as we know, the­re is no sys­tem that stores all data as it was recei­ved digi­tal­ly. But this is exact­ly what the GoBD pre­scri­bes. How can e‑mails that are easi­ly mani­pu­la­ted, of all things, be stored in a tam­per-pro­of man­ner? And does this requi­re com­pli­ca­ted, time-con­suming trai­ning in new systems?

The clear and short ans­wer again: No.

E‑mail com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on: audit-pro­of & legal­ly binding.

E‑mails are still the most important means of com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on in com­pa­nies. Have you ever ima­gi­ned the case that you have to pro­ve that you have not (!) Recei­ved an email? Do you have to make sure that all of your employees enjoy full legal security? 

Foren­sic Mail offers trans­pa­rent and uni­que­ly legal­ly secu­re com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on for ever­yo­ne. With Foren­sic Mail you design your e‑mail traf­fic and the archi­ving of e‑mails in a revi­si­on-pro­of, court-pro­of and trans­pa­rent man­ner. But tha­t’s not all.

Back­up sys­tem: simp­le, fast, invisible.

Clas­sic audit-pro­of solu­ti­ons make a com­ple­te back­up of all data. This means that if indi­vi­du­al e‑mails are acci­dent­al­ly dele­ted, the ent­i­re back­up block always has to be res­to­red at gre­at expen­se – a cum­ber­so­me and time-con­suming operation.

Our sys­tem is also capa­ble of such back­ups. But through this it crea­tes a fea­ther-light copy of every sin­gle email that you can res­to­re with one click. You retain full con­trol over your fol­der structure.

You can keep your pre­vious e‑mail cli­ent and do not have to chan­ge anything in your work­flow. Our sys­tem works invi­si­b­ly in the background.

Forensic Mail - archive emails in a legally compliant manner - FTT

Foren­sic mail ser­ver archi­ve system:

✔ Legal­ly com­pli­ant (§§239, 257 HGB, §§ 146, 147 AO, GoBD)
✔ Court fes­ti­val
✔ Main­ten­an­ce-free
✔ Tam­per-pro­of
✔ Red­un­dant
✔ Usu­al access to Thun­der­bird, Out­look etc. (IMAP, POP3, SMTP)
✔ Real-time e‑mail back­up
✔ Post-quan­tum cryp­to­gra­phic (SHA 512 with secp521r1)

For examp­le, e‑mails with the func­tion of a com­mer­cial or busi­ness let­ter or a boo­king rece­i­pt must be kept in elec­tro­nic form. […] A con­ver­si­on into ano­t­her for­mat is per­mit­ted if the machi­ne reada­bi­li­ty is not restric­ted and no con­tent chan­ges are made. The tax­payer must also take into account that the cor­re­spon­ding restric­tions in the­se cases can be at his expense.

The Federal Minis­try of Finan­ce, GoBD, pp. 29, 31 and 32

If you sleep rest­less­ly becau­se of the bur­den of pro­of and the bur­den of pro­of, con­ta­ct us immediately.

For a good nigh­t’s sleep, with certainty.

Most com­pa­nies ope­ra­te their own ser­vers to meet their needs for varie­ty of ser­vices and data pro­tec­tion. Howe­ver, the secu­ri­ty of the­se ser­vers has its pri­ce and is often neglec­ted for rea­sons of cost. Medi­um-sized com­pa­nies in par­ti­cu­lar often lack the means to invest in the relia­bi­li­ty and avai­la­bi­li­ty of their own ser­vers. And what hap­pens if a ser­ver goes down?

Deceptive security

We expe­ri­en­ced this in Stras­bourg: Indi­vi­du­al soft­ware has been des­troy­ed, valu­able e‑mails have been dele­ted. Accord­ing to Funk­schau , the fire was „a tre­men­dous game” for 1.5 mil­li­on cus­to­mers. Becau­se the secu­re ope­ra­ti­on of ser­vers is all about one thing: the bare exis­tence. Most cus­to­mers only rea­li­zed this when it was too late. Becau­se ser­vers are mate­ri­al and do not float some­whe­re in the clouds.

Any ser­ver can suf­fer a sud­den and ter­ri­fy­ing ser­ver infarction.

Fail-safe guaranteed!

With our uni­que sys­tem, we have suc­cee­ded in achie­ving high avai­la­bi­li­ty and relia­bi­li­ty at around a quar­ter of the pre­vious cos­ts. We manu­fac­tu­re our ser­ver clus­ters espe­cial­ly for medi­um-sized com­pa­nies, which often can hard­ly afford con­ven­tio­nal ser­vers. The advan­ta­ge of a clus­ter: If an ent­i­re ser­ver fails due to a defect, the ent­i­re sys­tem con­ti­nues to run sta­b­ly. In addi­ti­on, the clus­ters are con­nec­ted across data cen­ters, so that at most one meteo­ri­te impact would des­troy data and make a „Dis­as­ter Reco­very Plan” necessary.

That’s how it’s done:

We com­bi­ne four micro main­boards in a housing spe­cial­ly made for us. You deter­mi­ne the equip­ment. Four ins­tead of the usu­al two iden­ti­cal ser­vers in a clus­ter secu­re your busi­ness with 99.99% gua­ran­te­ed avai­la­bi­li­ty for cri­ti­cal app­li­ca­ti­ons. Your data is mir­ro­red and backed up auto­ma­ti­cal­ly and moni­to­red in the back­ground. You get full con­trol through direct hard­ware access at BIOS level and ful­ly equip­ped ser­vers of your choice – tailo­red to your needs.

We would be hap­py to set up your pro­fes­sio­nal hard­ware accord­ing to your wis­hes and put tog­e­ther your indi­vi­du­al work­sta­tion .

Tho­se who value a high level of secu­ri­ty use clus­ter solu­ti­ons. Our high­ly avail­ab­le and fail-safe ser­ver clus­ters are spe­cial­ly deve­lo­ped for medi­um-sized com­pa­nies and can be con­fi­gu­red individually.

Server cluster for medium-sized companies

Dedi­ca­ted Bare Metal Micro Ceph Clus­ters:
✔ Desi­red ser­ver
✔ High­ly red­un­dant
✔ Inex­pen­si­ve
✔ Main memo­ry with error cor­rec­tion pos­si­ble (ECC-RAM)
✔ Full access con­trol (easi­ly remo­te con­trol­led via IPMI)
✔ 6–16 cores (AMD Ryzen 5000)
✔ 100% green electri­ci­ty
✔ 100% GDPR-com­pli­ant with Ger­man loca­ti­on
✔ Rack housing and cold ais­le air con­di­tio­ning
✔ Direct­ly at the DE-CIX
✔ Con­nec­tion up to 40 Gb / s (10 Gb / s per ser­ver)
✔ Can be sca­led as requi­red to meet your needs

We make sure that our cus­to­mers sleep well. Thanks to fun in the ope­ra­tio­nal busi­ness, trans­pa­rent struc­tures, ergo­no­mic and secu­re IT. If you are loo­king for a respect­ful con­nec­tion bet­ween peop­le and tech­no­lo­gy, ask us.

We awa­ken potential

How hap­py are your employees?

How well do you tap their potential?

Can IT help with this?

Yes. And that 24/7.

If you are loo­king for a com­plex and unusu­al but inno­va­ti­ve solu­ti­on, we are gua­ran­te­ed to help.

Be a real per­son – beco­me a creator and awa­ken dor­mant poten­ti­al. Befo­re others do – and one chan­ce is missed.

Our port­fo­lio

We offer soft­ware, hard­ware and advice from a sin­gle source through the com­pa­nies that are direct­ly asso­cia­ted with us.

In terms of human and social foren­sics, we work with the strengths of our customers.

who we are

With over 1,500 pro­gramm­ers, the lea­ding spe­cia­lists in IT foren­sics, arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence, big data, Indus­try 4.0 and High Per­for­mance Com­pu­ting (HPC), we also meet spe­cial needs that ine­vi­ta­b­ly ari­se in the con­text of digi­tal transformation.

We offer solu­ti­ons that are both intel­li­gent and clo­se to peop­le, and the­re­fo­re prac­ti­cal. If you are despe­ra­te, can­not crack a pro­blem, or are loo­king for real­ly serious­ly thought-out solu­ti­ons: get in touch!

Our holistic port­fo­lio includes:

  • Clean pro­cess design for a smooth workflow
  • High-per­for­mance apps, eit­her nati­ve or as cross-plat­form Pro­gres­si­ve Web Apps (PWA)
  • Manu­fac­tu­ring Exe­cu­ti­on Sys­tems (MES) for indus­tri­al plants
  • Next-genera­ti­on VPN gate­ways for manu­fac­tu­ring (Indus­try 4.0, Inter­net of Things and MES systems)
  • IT foren­sics reports
  • Awa­reness work­shops and lectures
  • Indi­vi­du­al­ly adap­ted ser­vers – from vir­tu­al machi­nes (VMs) to your own bare metal ser­ver , mana­ged and unma­na­ged . Our ser­ver for medi­um-sized com­pa­nies is a novel­ty (low-cost Ceph cluster)
  • Up-to-date mail ser­ver, if requi­red with GoBD-com­pli­ant revi­si­on secu­ri­ty for each (!) Indi­vi­du­al e‑mail (Foren­sic Mail) – abso­lute­ly uni­que in Germany
  • LiveCon­fig web hos­ting without PHP bal­last (basis: C ++)

Con­ta­ct us here and secu­re a free initi­al consultation!

FTT Forensic Discovery GmbH
Dammwäldchen 3, 95444 Bayreuth, Germany

Phone: +49 921 730 88 70
Fax: +49 921 730 88 68

Local Court Bayreuth, HRB 6659
FTT Forensic Discovery GmbH
Dammwäldchen 3, 95444 Bayreuth, Germany

Phone: +49 921 730 88 70
Fax: +49 921 730 88 68

Local Court Bayreuth, HRB 6659
© 2022 Forensic Discovery GmbH